“Air Brennan”

Brennan Chu

CS 4670 – Intro to Computer Vision

Project 1 Artifact


Original Image

The motivation behind my artifact was to create an image of myself doing something that I could never actually do in real life. A lot of crazy things came to mind such as flying in space or incorporating giant robots, but I didn’t want the image to completely lose touch with reality. So since the Olympics occurred not too long ago, I started thinking along the lines of sports. Something I wanted to do since I was little was to be able to dunk a basketball. However, I do not have the height or the hops to even reach the rim of a hoop. So this is where I came up with the idea to take a photo of myself and create an image of me blocking Michael Jordan from dunking the ball.

It took multiple tries to get a good photo of myself jumping in the air. Since it was an action shot it was difficult to get a clean crisp photo. But after multiple attempts I got a decent shot. The image of me jumping in the air and the image of Michael Jordan is shown below.

Description: C:\Users\Brennan Chu\Desktop\Michael Jordan .jpeg

Description: C:\Users\Brennan Chu\Desktop\Me and Mj with photo 1\me bball.jpg


Image Mask

I created the mask of this image using the sample solution because for some reason my code was having problems. It couldn’t open the image, which is strange because the code worked with other images. The mask created using iscissor is shown below.


Description: C:\Users\Brennan Chu\Desktop\Me and Mj with photo 1\me bball.jpgDescription: C:\Users\Brennan Chu\Desktop\Me and Mj with photo 1\me_bballmask.jpg

Final Image

After the image mask was created, GIMP was used to remove the background of the original image and make it transparent. Then the cutout image of me was layered on top of the Michael Jordan image. The image of me looked much lighter compared to the background so I increase the contrast by a small amount. The resulting final image is shown below.


Description: C:\Users\Brennan Chu\Desktop\Me and Mj with photo 1\mj and me  3.jpg